Control of Regulatory Policy Question
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Tue Jan-30-07 08:43 PM
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Control of Regulatory Policy Question |
One has to wonder what it is all about. Bush signs an Executive Order placing an appointee in each Agency who must clear any regulation to be published.
So what we have seems to be a White House that has absolutely no history of coherent policy development now demanding complete control of policy at the level of each individual Agency even beyond the ability to appoint at the Secretarial level. Why would they want more policy control if in fact they don't do any policy development in the first place?
The only answer I can come up with that makes any sense at all is that it gives them more to put up for sale. Having lost the K-Street cash they are looking for a replacement industry by industry and they put the squeeze on with regulation. Talk about the dog biting the hand that feeds it.
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Tue Jan-30-07 09:09 PM
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1. If congress gets rid of bush and cheney |
all this crap would end. WHY DON'T THEY. I will tell you one thing. If I were to be the person who took over after they threw bush and cheney out, the first thing I would do is send in the National Guard to move every person out of the white house. I would send rove packing, with nothing. I would have his office and material gone over with a fine tooth comb. I would have a computer expert search the computers in all the offices and also the hard drive. I would let no one....not one person take anything out of the white house. I would also send the secret service packing. Let them be reassigned somewhere else. And put all new agents in. I would investigate each and every member of each and every secretary's office. Secretary of State, Defense etc I would accumulate the evidence and if the MSM did not give the whole and complete story to the American People I would see how those who don't report the truth...and that means against democrats as well as republicans have their FCC license reviewed. That would be the first priority. Then I would work on Iraq.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:53 AM
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