Yelling at your computer or television screen is an exercise in futility, no matter how frustrated and angry you are with the current state of affairs. If you feel like the Democratic congress is half-assing its way through any kind of confrontation with the expanded powers of the Executive Branch, that's your problem. If you feel like we're being fed a mountain of crap and handed pre-chosen candidates for the upcoming Presidential elections, that's pretty much par for the course these days.
If you're angry about the war, furious about the effects of global warming that they're trying to hide from the public, and worried about the influence of the Christian Right, I invite you to join the club.
The America we knew, the America we hoped we'd grow up to see, is dying, bleeding from a thousand wounds inflicted by the corporate powers, political savants, and a corporate media that has foresaken its responsibility to the people.
We work with folks who cannot see any of this, who can't begin to grasp the ramifications of all that's happening behind the curtain. The Great and Powerful Oz isn't a kindly old man just trying to get by in a world he doesn't quite understand. He's a madman who'd be right at home in a James Bond movie.
I've said it for years. It's time the gloves came off. It's time our "representatives" abandoned any pretense of civility with those on the other side of the aisle who continue to enable this mad dash toward destruction. We are long past the point where tip-toeing around the issues and trying to play nice is going to get us anywhere. As long as the traditional rules of the discourse are being kept by one side, while the other plays fast and loose with them, we are going to be marched blindly into the inferno, with only the most perceptive of us even the slightest bit aware of the stakes of the game.
It's going to come to the point when every single one of us is going to have to decide where we draw the line and have reached the point beyond which we will not be pushed. And none more so than those we've elected to public office.
I, thankfully, know very few Republicans or Bush supporters of any kind. It's a good thing, because I'm way past the point I can tolerate their stupidity. If I had relatives that were Repugs (and I think I do) that I saw on a regular basis, I'd have to brace myself for battle every time I saw them. I will not be silent.
I will not be silenced.
And those who take our money to represent us damn well shouldn't allow themselves to be silenced either. Who cares what Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, or any of those lunatics say about it?
Speak the truth plain, in as harsh of terms as necessary, and let the truth take care of itself.
That's the only way we have any chance at all.
This isn't a game. It's our very lives, our very future, at stake.
The bastard in the White House doesn't deserve a moment's peace. Neither do his congressional and media enablers.
Nor, in my opinion, do those stupid enough to support him in the general population.
They are ALL responsible for what's been done in our name. And it's time they were forced to own it.