Office of U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill United States Senate Hart Senate Office Building, Ste. 717 Washington, D.C. 20510
Senator McCaskill:
Almost 8 months ago Jane Branstetter Stranch, a nominee to the 6th US Circuit Court of Appeals, was approved out of committee on a bipartisan vote. The full Senate is yet to schedule a vote, the Majority leader yet to file for cloture, and no explanation has been given for why this qualified and noncontroversial nominee has not received an up or down vote.
On November 19, 2009 the Senate Judiciary Committee approved Jane Stranch out of committee. All Democratic Senators on the committee approved her nomination as well as the following Republican Senators:
# Senator Lindsey Graham (R -SC) # Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) # Ranking Member Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL)
This is my 18th correspondence with you regarding this matter. I have pledged to write to you and Senator Reid each weekday until this nominee receives an up or down vote. I would appreciate your assistance and hope you will urge your colleagues to fulfill their responsibilities and avoid doing damage to our system of justice.