Found this example of a level-headed Tea Partier in the comments section of a CNN article where Michele Bachmann insistst she wants the caucus to be
bipartisan. I don't think this follower got the message:
"Was Barney Frank waiting first in line to join, thinking that it was a "real tea bagging" party? I'm sure he was disappointed to know that TEA stands for "taxed enough already." How could you libtards accuse average hard-working, tax-paying, peoples of all colors and ethnicity racists? You morons were the ones who painted posters of George W. Bush with a Hitler mustache, had posters of him as the "Joker," called him a terrorist, etc.; and you get your panties in a wad when the same thing is said about your messiah. You slugs of society will be rudely awoken from your drug induced coma come November 2nd, 2010. Get ready to take a shower, put on a suit, and finally look for a
job; the gravy train will run out of gravy and your free ride will be over."
It horrifies me to think that these are the people "motivated" for November. That's just pure unbridled hate.
The other classic from the same comments section:
"Only 1 in 3 people still back Obama
Only 1 in 8 people think this congress is doing their job
Oh yea... Nov's going to be fun... BYE DEMS
A Republican congress from 94 to 06 grew this country like never before... only took the DEMS 4 years to jack it all up... and America is seeing it "FINALLY"... the smoke and mirrors are gone... the "yes we can" has become "oops we did"... This admin will go the way of Carter... and not soon enough"