Olbermann Special Comment Fact Checking the President
By: John Amato
Keith Olbermann takes a look at Bush's claims about thwarted terrorists plots and fact checks them. Pray tell, what shall he ever find?
Your totally black-and-white conclusions in the State of the Union were based on one gray area, and on three pallets on which the experts can't even see smudge let alone gray.
It would all be laughable, Mr. Bush, were you not the President of the United States.
It would all be political hyperbole, Mr. Bush, if you had not, on this kind of "intelligence," taken us to war, now sought to escalate that war, and are threatening new war in Iran and maybe even elsewhere.
What you gave us a week ago tonight, sir, was not intelligence, but rather a walk-through, of how speculation and innuendo, guess-work and paranoia, day-dreaming and fear-mongering, combine in your mind and the minds of your government, into proof of your derring-do and your success against the terrorists.
The ones who didn't have anthrax.
The ones who didn't have plane tickets or passports.
The ones who didn't have any clue, let alone any plots.
But they go now into our history books as the four terror schemes you've interrupted since 9/11.
They go into the collective consciousness as firm evidence of your diligence, of the necessity of your ham-handed treatment of our liberties, of the unavoidability of the 3,075 Americans dead in Iraq.
Congratulations, sir.
You are the hero of "Jaws 2." You have kept the Piper Cub out of the hands of Spartacus.
Good night, and good luck.