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2 PA Prison Guards Murdered Man for His Rifle - Stolen For Overthrow of Fed Govt

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RamboLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-31-10 09:54 PM
Original message
2 PA Prison Guards Murdered Man for His Rifle - Stolen For Overthrow of Fed Govt
Edited on Sat Jul-31-10 09:54 PM by RamboLiberal
Oathkeepers? I've been keeping an eye on this story because the gun owner was killed at a State Gameland Range. This turns it into something else entirely. Like the story of the nutcase in SF going to shoot employees at ACLU and Tides.

On Saturday, CBS 21 News obtained court records. In them, Peake told police during an interview that he and Getgen were the only two people at the range. Peake said he found Getgen dead, then took his AR-15 with the attached suppressor. Peake said he later took the AR-15 to Thomas Tuso's home for the purpose of having Tuso keep it for him in Tuso's bedroom. Peake said he told Tuso that the weapon was from the man killed at the rifle range. Peake said Tuso kept guns for him and said they'd been " stealing guns for the purpose of overthrowing the federal government" ( of the United State of America.) Peake said he and Tuso together are members of this organization. Peake refused to name that organization and told police he would " kill to defend his country and he was stealing weapons to defend his country."

Two corrections officers from the State Correctional Institution at Camp Hill are charged in the shooting death of a Cumberland County attorney and the theft of his custom, silenced rifle, authorities announced late Friday.

Raymond Peake, 64, of Hampden Township, Cumberland County is charged with homicide, robbery and other crimes for the shooting death of Todd Getgen, 42, of Enola. The shooting happened last Wednesday at a State Game Commission rifle range in North Middleton Township, Cumberland County.

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mitchum Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-31-10 10:01 PM
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1. If convicted, they are going to do such hard time
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47of74 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-31-10 10:02 PM
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2. Thanks Mr. Peake and Mr. Tuso....
...for reinforcing my perception of corrections officers as being rejects from the police academy.
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The Magistrate Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-31-10 10:03 PM
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3. This Is Becoming So Usual, Ma'am, As To Hardly Count As News Anymore
Edited on Sat Jul-31-10 10:04 PM by The Magistrate
'Second Amendment remedies', as the lady in Nevada said: if the Republicans lose an election, Republicans should shoot the winner.
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ThatPoetGuy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-31-10 10:06 PM
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4. More FOX News Terrorists.
Is there a list somewhere? It'd be useful.

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ThatPoetGuy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-31-10 10:25 PM
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5. Some info on Thomas Tuso?
Not sure if this is the same man, since the location is different, but someone of that name donated $250 to Bush/Cheney in 2004:

There's also a Thomas Tuso listed as a private investigator in Pennsylvania:

I found a 64-year-old Raymond F. Peake in Gettysburg and Mechanicsburg, PA. His contacts are listed as:

* Beverly A Peake
* Shirley M Daun
* Michiko M Henderson
* Tonya Marie Peake
* Michelle Renae Andrasik
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RamboLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jul-31-10 10:28 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. Latter has to be same guy - Gettysburg is near Camp Hill
Edited on Sat Jul-31-10 10:40 PM by RamboLiberal
And Thomas Franklin Tuso is on Facebook.
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