In fact, a smaller government would make us less free, argues professor DOUGLAS J. AMY
Sunday, August 01, 2010
At every tea party rally, speakers passionately complain that government is the enemy of freedom. For them, the more government grows, the more our liberty shrinks. But is this really true?
In reality, few of our government programs -- even big government programs -- do anything to actually threaten anyone's freedoms. Nearly all of the common activities of the modern state -- building roads and highways, putting out fires, fighting disease, treating sewage, funding basic scientific research, providing medical care for the elderly, preventing crime, supplying clean water, feeding the poor, providing parks and recreational facilities, educating our children, forecasting the weather, sending out Social Security checks, and so on -- are not inherently coercive or oppressive at all. So it is simply mistaken to automatically equate more government with less freedom.
In addition, there is no necessary correlation between how large government is and how oppressive it is. Many dictatorships in developing countries, such as Haiti under the Duvalier family, have had very small public sectors with few social services. Authoritarian regimes don't need a large tax base -- just enough to support a police force and army.
In fact, freedom and very big governments can easily go hand in hand -- as they already do in many European countries. Belgium, for example, has a public sector almost twice the size of the United States as a proportion of its gross domestic product and has much more extensive health care, unemployment and pension programs. Yet Belgian citizens enjoy essentially the same rights and liberties as Americans. We see very few Belgian political refugees applying for asylum in the United States because they feel oppressed in their homeland.
But here's an even more important point: Government has often been the means for expanding the freedoms of ordinary Americans. One of the main reasons that government has grown so large in the last 75 years is that we have demanded that it do more to liberate us from harmful and oppressive conditions, such as economic insecurity, illness, discrimination and pollution.
Social Security has liberated millions of citizens from destitution in their old age. Public health efforts have freed all of us from devastating and deadly diseases like polio and smallpox. Because of laws banning housing discrimination, all families are now freer to live where they want. Public education and public universities have increased economic freedom and opportunity for hundreds of millions of Americans. Government-sponsored right-to-strike laws and workplace safety rules have freed countless American workers from oppressive and dangerous working conditions
So the reality of the modern democratic state has often been exactly the reverse of the contention of anti-government zealots: More government has often actually produced more freedom.
Tea partiers want to believe that if government were small and left us alone, we would all be freer to control our own lives. But this is often not the case. On our own, we are frequently powerless against the larger social and economic forces at work in our lives. As lone individuals, we are helpless to deal with such things as economic bubbles, worldwide epidemics, soaring college costs, stagnant wages and global warming. Faced with such large problems, our best option is to act collectively -- through government -- if we truly want to be the masters of our fate.
Ironically, if tea party activists get what they want -- a radically reduced government -- we would all be less free. We would have the illusion of freedom, but in reality we would be more at the mercy of the many outside forces that are currently buffeting out lives.
It would be like being dumped in the middle of the ocean in a row boat and being told that you are now free to go wherever you want. You might be the "captain" of your boat, but in all likelihood if the storms and the sharks didn't get you, the sunstroke and dehydration would.
Douglas J. Amy is professor of politics at Mount Holyoke College and the creator of
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