Wounded soldier is new poster boy for Operation Welcome HomeBy Rob Hotakainen | McClatchy Newspapers
Posted on Saturday, July 31, 2010
WASHINGTON — Lance Iunker needed plenty of help after fighting in the Iraq war.
On Sept. 10, 2007, the 22-year-old Californian was riding in a truck that went through a guardrail and fell off a 50-foot overpass, killing seven of his buddies and injuring 11. Iunker broke his back and crushed his chest and face. One of his ears was completely ripped off and had to be reattached by a plastic surgeon. It took 70 staples to put his head back together.
Nearly three years later, Iunker has emerged as a poster boy of sorts for a unique program called Operation Welcome Home.
It aims to link the 30,000 soldiers who return to California each year with veterans who can help them readjust to civilian life. So far, more than 300 veterans have been hired as part of the $20 million project.
Officially launched last month, it's the brainchild of Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Iunker and California officials are hoping it becomes a national model.