It's an election year and therefore, ergo, and all that, politicians are now revved up with their campaigns. For those who understand this mindset it's no surprise to suddenly see career politicians like Newt Grinch start to say outrageous things based on instilling fear and loathing into the gullible hearts of voters. It's gotten pretty obvious when they use old tried and true wedge issues like homosexuals are out to get your kids, or Mexicans are invading, or women have gone wild aborting fetuses unless you stop them, or if something too good to resist happens to be the topic of the times. Right now the hot issue is Muslims and their determination to bring Sharia Law to our land.
The drum beat has started in earnest with Sarah Palin's plea to refutiate their religious extremism. Newt jumped on it as soon as his brain made the calculations and he heard the ching ching clang clang of the jackpot sound in his head. So now he's beginning his campaign in earnest by stating categorically that the Muslims will fight to make Sharia Law the law of the land. He will proceed with this theme as if it's already a well established fact.
So let's at least try to err on the side of intelligence and see this election season for what it is. It's going to get worse. The Angry White Man issues are revving up for this campaigning election. Come September they'll follow the Rovian Law and they'll will release the selling points after they give them a try out in August.