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Economic "Jack-Ass" Award goes to ....

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
FreakinDJ Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-01-10 12:34 PM
Original message
Economic "Jack-Ass" Award goes to ....
Edited on Sun Aug-01-10 12:38 PM by FreakinDJ
As a casual observer of mainstream sentiment, and judging by feedback and reactions to some reports, it appears that China’s economic success and emergence is unsettling to many and is becoming the source of collective angst in the West toward China.

And lest I be misunderstood, I’m not an apologist for things Chinese — although I have a weakness for shrimp mei fun. All I’m saying is that China has five-thousand years of recorded history – and much longer when you consider the archeological record: we might have something to learn about economic sustainability and long-term planning from their ancient civilization, rather than nascently resenting their economic emergence.

Geez ....

and I thought it was because of the "Totalitarian Communist Dictators" would take out 50 or so members of their working class citizens and line them up for a public execution with a .45 cal to the back of their head every time the citizens did some thing the government didn't like.

Next they'll blame the "Lazy American Workers" for the decline of America

By contrast, the global financial crisis, in general, and the U.S. ‘Great Recession’ in particular, China Daily’s website noted recently (and as I have written about prolifically on this blog), has laid bare the unsavory and harmful nature of Western-style, or Laissez-faire, capitalism.

Of course, China’s State-run media not missing a beat to whip up nationalist sentiments, indulged in a measure of self-aggrandizement, hailed China’s emergent economic prominence as proof of superior global competitiveness. The country’s economic miracle, the State-owned newspaper, People’s Daily, boasted last week, exists because China’s State system — unlike those in the West — can make and implement economic policy quickly & efficiently.

Say what you will, but the proof is in the pudding.

mindless twit
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ixion Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-01-10 12:37 PM
Response to Original message
1. Yep, China has 5k years of recorded history
the vast majority of it denotes the brutality of the dynasties on its citizenry.
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FreakinDJ Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-01-10 12:56 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Buy an Imported Product and get a 145 grain bullet FREE
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