We don't need our own Fox News.
This post is not going to address the well-known fact that Fox News enjoys its own version of the truth. I'm going to address only the idea of Fox News's hard political slant and why, if we are to be better, if we are to win the hearts and minds of the sane, we don't need our own version of it.
That is not to say MSNBC needs to be apolitical. It's not the CBS Nightly News. It's an infotainment channel. But if MSNBC is to remain a credible source of news, it needs to keep a truly "fair and balanced" mix of commentators, with panelists from both sides, interspersed with "straight" newscasting. We have Chris Matthews, who is a centrist at best, Dylan Ratigan, a populist, Ed Schultz, a primarily commentating liberal, Keith Olbermann, who does a mix of news and commentary, Rachel Maddow, a journalist in the truest sense of the word, and Tamron Hall and the daytime crew that sticks to "just the facts, ma'am" newscasting.
This is GOOD for us. If we were to have 24 hour 100% left-of-center commentary, we would be better than Fox News only in having the facts. It would drive away those who aren't looking for a political message in every sentence. It's a diverse line-up that not only gives people several points of view, but also retains a sense of credibility.
I have believed for some time that the place to go for strictly political programming, right and left, for public is the radio. In the mornings, you have Stephanie Miller and Bill Press. If you don't like MSNBC's daytime programming, listen to Thom Hartmann. At night, instead of catching the twenty-second Hardball rerun, listen to Malloy. On the weekends, instead of seeing a two-year old rerun of some prison show (which I hate), listen to Ring of Fire.
MSNBC doesn't need to go far left. It won't truly do so anyway, because it's a corporate-run channel. But I would posit that it's a great thing that MSNBC has a diverse cast of characters, one that does not simply tell people everything they want to hear in a 24/7 echo chamber format.