Here is the article that Rush starts with - American Spectator ( yes they are going Maoist too)
America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of Revolution From his own transcriptsRUSH: The two classes, ruling class and us the country class, and the ruling class is a minority. It's 10 to 15% of the thinking of the country, if that. RUSH: Membership in the ruling class depends much less on high academic achievement. It depends on something far more important, and that is a willingness to say, act, believe, and recite the things the ruling class believes, whether you're a failure at what you do or not.
--from earlier in his reading of the Codevilla piece.
We, in what Mr. Codevilla calls, the country class, meaning not the hick class, but the country, we are the country. The ruling class is a minority, and I have touched on this. We are being ruled, i.e., governed by a minority. Less than 10, 15% of Americans agree with the thought process, the philosophies, the goals and objectives of the ruling class. And we in the country class, we believe in merit. We rise or fall based on merit. We believe that a good GPA is what's necessary to get you into college. We believe that performing well on the job is how you get promoted and how you get paid well. Not true in the ruling class. In fact, that is looked down upon. It's sort of like the old money versus new money business. The old money, inherited from robber barons of the past, great wealth. The people who inherited it don't do anything for it, but it has great lineage. People who have earned great wealth rather than having inherited it are shunned by the old-money people because it's working class to have earned money. It's just not done. It's considered gauche, it's considered filthy. And it's much the same way with merit throughout the ruling class. You don't have to be the best. In fact, if you do the right things and say the right things, you can be an abject failure meritocracy-wise and still be promoted.
"Differences between Bushes, Clintons, and Obamas are of degree, not kind. Moreover, 2009-10 establishment Republicans sought only to modify the government's agenda while showing eagerness to join the Democrats in new grand schemes, if only they were allowed to." Well, this resonated with me because I plaintively say, "Why do you Republicans continue to accept their premise on everything and then deal with it on the margins? Why do we accept the premise that there must be a health care overhaul? Why do we accept the premise that there must be a stimulus package? Why do they set the agenda?" This piece is partially the answer: They're all part of the ruling class. The Republicans want to be even more accepted in the ruling class. They want to be even more powerful. They want to be considered part of it. They want to be in the clique.