Los Angeles Times reports that actress Lindsay Lohan might be released tomorrow after serving 13 out of 90 days for DUI probation violation:
According to Sheriff’s Department officials, Lohan’s 13 days are based on the assumption that she behaves. That would mean she would have to serve only 51 days of her 90-day sentence, but because of overcrowding in county jails and because she is a nonviolent female offender, she will serve only a quarter of that time.
Lohan is expected to go from jail to a drug and alcohol rehab center, which was required by a judge in Beverly Hills.
It's a good thing that she goes to rehabilitation.
But aren't there more serious issues like the jail overcrowding mentioned in this LA Times blog? This is a political forum, so I brought up the seriousness of jail overcrowding so that this doesn't get booted to the Entertainment forum (back in January I mis-posted a thread about Conan O'Brien here and that got booted...especially since it was a week after the Haiti earthquake.)
In America, nearly half of all federal inmates are in for drug offenses. Regularly, people are jailed even for simple possession of marijuana. I don't count DUI as one of them, but if you think that Lohan should serve her full sentence for violating probation don't you think that the Still-Failing War on Drugs contributed to some inmates getting off the hook early (even though they shouldn't)? Back in 2007 Paris Hilton served only 20 out of 45 days for a similar DUI violation. You see, if you're rich and famous you can get away with pretty much anything in America.* Why aren't George "War Criminal" Bush and his cronies behind bars yet? At the same time when the majority of drug inmates are poor or of minority race?
Once again, American justice phails.
*But I'm glad that Bernard Madoff got caught and will die in a cell, heh heh.