July 30th, 2010
A new poll out Thursday from the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that a consistent 50 percent of the public supports the health care reform law passed this year while opposition to the law is down to just 35 percent this month.
It’s great news that more people are coming to understand how they, their families and the nation will benefit from health care reform.
Views on Health Reform Law: Over Time (Kaiser Family Foundation)
Unfortunately, the poll showed that Americans, especially senior citizens, continue to have an incomplete understanding of what the health care overhaul means to them. Half of seniors know that health care reform will gradually close the Medicare donut hole that leaves many without coverage for their prescription drugs. Only a third understand that reform will eliminate Medicare’s co-pays and deductibles for some preventive services.
Worst of all, according to the poll, more than a third of senior citizens (36 percent) wrongly think that health care reform will “allow a government panel to make decisions about end-of-life care for people on Medicare.” Those misunderstandings are due, in part, to a misinformation campaign by opponents of reform.
AFSCME is educating its members and the public about the positive impact that the health care overhaul will have on skyrocketing costs and reining in insurance company abuses. We have created an online education program and a series of materials to show how the new reforms in health care will affect Americans in every walk of life.
AFSCME members worked hard to make health care reform the law of the land. We’re dedicated to helping our members and the public understand how positive reform will be for their lives.
Several cliclkable links in story.