Earlier today, I posted a thread about Senate races in 2012. A DUer who posted in that thread indicated that they'd like a similar poll for 2010. Ask and ye shall receive.....
As an explanation to why I posted this and the previous poll on 2012 Senate races. Yesterday, I posed some questions to DUers in this thread:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.ph... I'd invite anyone to participate. I'm trying (in an informal way) to gather data and try to analyze what divides us and what unites us here at DU.
Two of the questions I posed in yesterday's thread involved members of Congress and the Senate who you'd a) you'd want to get rid of at all costs and b) who you'd like to retain at all costs.
Now, it's hard to draw any real conclusions on 16 votes, but in terms of who we like, a strong theme emerged: DU likes Alan Grayson, Dennis Kucinich, and Bernie Sanders. There were also also some votes for Franken, and Boxer and Pelosi were thrown into the mix, but those three names emerged as a kind of core support group.
Who we want to get rid of -- that's another subject. Several responders went with a variant of "too many to name." We had one "throw them all out." But one theme that emerged was that almost 20% of the responders named a Senator who (at least in theory) is a Democrat.
This is what prompted my first follow up question regarding 2012.
In asking "Who would you most like to see lose a Senate seat in 2010?" the picture is clouded by a mass of retirements and two Senators (one in each party) who lost their primaries. For the purpose of the poll, I take "lose the seat" literally - I'm not asking who you'd like to see win or lose each race (although you are welcome to comment on that in the thread; I'd expect Toomey/Sestak & Crist/Meek/Rubio comments), I'm looking to see which incumbents you want out.
As with the 2012 thread, I've put this in poll form, but I'd invite and encourage written responses as to the reasoning behind your vote. I selected the picks based on my perceptions of the candidates ability to be beaten, my preception of their lack of popularity here, and the limited number of poll slots.
More information on the 2010 Senate races can be found here:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Senate_elections,_2010As before, I am not trying to entrap anyone or call them out or violate DU Rules or sell anyone a lovely timeshare on Maryland's Eastern Shore (outside of Ocean City, with a week in the lovely, crisp, coolness of autumn). The point is to examine what divides us as a community and what unites us.