So much of journalism today resembles the hashing and re-hashing of the latest Frank Lutz talking points that it is refreshing to get some straight up analysis and fact: my sins, I followed a link from Matthew Yglesias to Erick Erickson’s explanation of how great the Bush tax cuts really were. And there I learned some things I didn’t know:
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Likewise, after the 2003 tax cuts, the unemployment rate fell to the lowest level since World War II. Let me repeat that: the Bush economic program created the lowest unemployment level ever.More um:
The bit about unemployment really surprised me — after all, the incredibly good job market of the late 90s isn’t that far behind us.
But I think we have part of the key to how Republicans can believe that returning to the Bush agenda is exactly what we need: they’ve invented themselves an alternate history in which wonderful things happened under Bush, and earlier booms have been sent down the memory hole.