from MSP CityPages:
Michele Bachmann dodges tea party smackdown with sick dayBy Hart Van Denburg, Mon., Aug. 2 2010 @ 7:50AM
So much for the smackdown with Missouri tea partiers riled that she's backing a TARP-loving congressmen for the U.S. Senate: Michele Bachmann called in sick. Instead of showing up in the Show Me state in a dialing-for-votes effort with Rep. Roy Blunt, she went home after a trip to the hospital.
"This isn't serious," her spokeswoman Gina Countryman told the Pioneer Press. "She's gonna be fine. She just needed to rest."
Serious or not, it certainly spared the queen of the Tea Party Caucus in Congress the embarrassment of making an in-person pitch for a candidate in the Missouri GOP primary reviled by dozens of tea party factions all over the state. They and Joe "The Plumber" Wurzelbacher were backing state Sen. Chuck Purgason.
Bachmann Skyped in her support for Blunt instead.
We were ready for the Bachmann-Wurlzelbacher smackdown: