"Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac.” - George Orwell
August 01, 2010 "Al-Manar TV" -- On July 22nd a House Resolution was proposed by 47 US Representatives - led by Rep. Louis Buller Gohmert,Republican Representative from Texas's 1st congressional district; House Resolution 1553.
The resolutions main proposal reads as follows:
“Expressing support for the State of Israel’s right to defend Israeli sovereignty, to protect the lives and safety of the Israeli people, and to use all means necessary to confront and eliminate nuclear threats posed by the Islamic Republic of Iran, including the use of military force if no other peaceful solution can be found within reasonable time to protect against such an immediate and existential threat to the State of Israel.”
Here are the decisive points found in the resolution which has since been referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs:
Whereas the United States does not want or seek war with Iran, but it will continue to keep all options open -
1. Condemnation of Iran based “for its threats of annihilating the United States and the State of Israel”
2. Support of using “all means of persuading the Government of Iran to stop building and acquiring nuclear weapons.”
3. Reaffirming the United States’ unshakable bond with Israel.
4. Expresses support for Israel’s right to use “all means necessary to confront and eliminate nuclear threats posed by Iran”
Iran and Nuclear Weapons
The United States and Israel have been accusing Iran of having nuclear weapons long before 2010 - In 2007 Mohamed El Baradei, who was then leading the International Atomic Energy Agency vehemently contended that not only was there no evidence that Iran had nuclear material but that there was no active weaponization program.
That same year The National Intelligence Council, a center of strategic thinking within the US Government which provides the President of the United States and senior policymakers with analyses of foreign policy issues has stated, clearly that “...with moderate-to-high confidence...Iran does not currently have a nuclear weapon.”
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