Poll: Debate over new Arizona immigration law may heighten racism in stateby Ronald J. Hansen and Sean Holstege - Aug. 2, 2010 12:00 AM
The Arizona RepublicRegardless of how Arizona's new immigration law eventually fares in court, many Arizonans say the heated debate it has generated exposes a deeper problem with racial discrimination here, an Arizona Republic poll indicates.
• Nearly half, 46 percent, of Arizona adults agreed that the immigration debate has "exposed a deeper sense of racism in our community." Thirty-eight percent disagreed. Non-Hispanics disagreed slightly, but three-fourths of Hispanics agreed, swinging the overall answer.
• Non-Hispanics were nearly evenly divided about whether people are more likely now to wonder about the legal status of those who look Latino than they were six months ago. By comparison, 72 percent of Hispanics agreed.
• Forty-five percent said immigration has provided an overall positive community impact by adding cultural diversity, while 26 percent disagreed. Supporters of SB 1070 were evenly divided, but 64 percent of opponents agreed.
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