Augustine St. Clare, a slave owner struggling with his conscience, explained why slavery survived as long as it had. I don't think the corporate structure allows for the problem he mentions:
The thing itself is the essence of all abuse! And the only reason why the land don't sink under it, like Sodom and Gomorrah, is because it is used in a way infinitely better than it is. For pity's sake, for shame's sake, because we are men born of women, and not savage beasts, many of us do not, and dare not,—we would scorn to use the full power which our savage laws put into our hands. And he who goes the furthest, and does the worst, only uses within limits the power that the law gives him."">UNCLE TOM'S CABIN CHAPTER 19From health insurance companies denying care and letting patients die, to pad profits to demanding trade deals that starve farmers to the point of suicide, to demanding the overthrow of elected leaders who dare to defend the economic interests of their own people or even raise the minimum wage, the only restraint on corporations seems to be what they can get away with before the public demands they go the way of feudalism and chattel slavery.
If some behave well, they could choose to do otherwise at any moment without fear of repercussion.
This is really the dividing line between progressive and those further right in both the GOP, and regrettably, the Democratic Party itself.
One side wants a system that requires moral responsibility, empathy, and one person one vote to be the top structure in our society, and the other that wants individual profit and one dollar one vote regardless of the consequences.
I don't think those two positions can coexist in the same party.