An article on alcohol consumption in America: "America: Nation of Drunkards?"
It's generally the case that liquor sales spike during an economic slump. So it's not exactly surprising to hear that teetotalers are about as common these days as compelling plot lines on the HBO series "Entourage."
Still, Americans are taking to the bottle with unique vigor, according to a recent poll by Gallup. The pollster reports that Americans are downing more booze than they have at any point since 1985. (It's true that the country wasn't in a downturn in 1985--but it was morning in America, and really, what better way to start a morning than with a quick snort?)
Gallup has been tracking American imbibing trends for 71 years, and its latest installment, completed in July, found that 67 percent of Americans report that they consume alcohol on a regular basis.
Gallup's data show that drinking rates in the United States have remained fairly steady through the past seven decades, with the low point coming in 1958 when only 55 percent of poll responders copped to regular drinking. The high point was from 1976-1978, the early days of the Carter administration, when 71 percent said that they drank. Well, how would you have gotten through the seventies?
And a couple of more paragraphs at the link. But don't peek yet!! First, what photo or image would go well with this article? Something like "Happy Hour" in neon lights, or a graph showing alcohol consumption, or something else? Well, check out what our Librul Media picked: :eyes:;