And if you don't know who Mr. Marceaux is, google his name right now. You are very late to the party.
All spelling errors and typos are his.
On we go...
On war?
A) That we can no longer go invade countries and to use our soldiers to go overseas and make democracies. - Basil Marceaux
B) "I don't care if we stay in Iraq for another 100 years. It's fine with me." - John McCain, the Republican Presidential nominee in 2008.
On oppression?
A) "Free the slaves at traffic stops from false arrest and jury fixing." - Basil Marceaux
B) "Iranian twitter activity similar to what we did in House last year when Republicans were shut down in the House." - US Representative Pete Hoekstra
On schools?
A) "WHAT IMPORTANT: 1.Education a. School violents b. Add reading of the minutes to the U.S.Congress mandatory c. Get more of the lottery money to 1-12" - Basil Marceaux
B) "I hope I live to see the day when, as in the early days of our country, we won't have any public schools. The churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them. What a happy day that will be!" - Jerry Falwell
On health care?
A) (of "WHAT IMPORTANT") "2.Equal Health care a. a free gift program b. take a look at and redo all mandtory insurance programs c. See why dental is not in most plans a tooth aches hurt more than a back aches and no teeths depresses people" - Basil Marceaux
" A wife may work outside the home only with her husband's consent "Biblical spanking" that results in "temporary or superficial bruises or welts" should not be considered a crime No doctor shall provide medical service on the Sabbath All disease and disability is caused by the sin of Adam and Eve Medical problems are frequently caused by personal sin "Increased longevity generally results from obedience to specific Biblical commands" Treatment of the "physical body" is not a doctor's highest priority Doctors have a priestly calling People receiving medical treatment are not immune from divine intervention or demonic forces Physicians should preach to their patients because salvation is the key to their health "Christians need better health to have more energy, tolerate more stress, get depressed less often, and be more creative than our non-Christian counterparts for the advancement of God's Kingdom."" - Steve Hotze, bankroller of Huckabee campaign and other general right wing things