from the Good Xtians at the American Family Association:Ending birthright citizenship: don’t amend the Constitution, apply itDate: 8/2/2010 10:57:07 AM
Comments by Lindsey Graham and John Kyl over the weekend have put the issue of birthright citizenship on the front burner of our debate over immigration.
Sen. Graham wants to propose a constitutional amendment to bring an end to the practice by which the children of illegal aliens born on American soil are automatically granted U.S. citizenship.
But we do not need to amend the Constitution; we just need to apply it. A correct reading of the Constitution indicates that such children are specifically excluded from citizenship.
The clause at issue is found in the 14th Amendment, which reads, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the United States...”
A plain reading clearly indicates that birthright citizenship is granted only to those who are “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States when they are born on American soil. The children of illegal aliens, by definition, are not subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S. That’s why they (the parents) can be deported.
The “jurisdiction” clause was added to the 14th Amendment only after a lengthy debate. According to NumbersUSA, Sen. Jacob Howard of Michigan proposed the amendment because he wanted to make it clear that the simple accident of birth on U.S. soil was not in fact enough to confer citizenship.
Sen. Howard said the jurisdiction requirement is “simply declaratory of what I regard as the law of the land already,” an apparent reference to the Civil Rights Act of 1866, about which more in a moment. .........(more)
The complete piece is at: