Edited on Mon Aug-02-10 10:27 PM by Atticus
Things fell into place and Mrs. Atticus and I will be driving to DC to display our views of Mr. Beck and his featured speaker, Ms. Palin.
We understand that the NAACP and the National Urban League will be hosting a counter-rally of sorts---three miles away.
We are somewhat reluctant to wade into this crowd of haters by our lonesome. We plan no overt confronation, just Obama caps, T-shirts with a circle and slash over "Tea Party" and maybe a couple of signs saying "Racism sucks" and "Intolerance of Intolerance is Intelligence".
Is anyone else considering going to show that there is indeed opposition to their racist nonsense?
I just keep thinking of Burke's "The only thing necessary to the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing". Are we really to the point where we dare not peacefully speak truth to power on the National Mall in broad daylight with cops all over the place?