So I turned the radio on four times tonight and turned it right off with a string of curses at the brain slaughter occurring on the airwaves.
First, I learned that any attempt to regulate Oil or Banking would destroy the economy, because apparently, these delicate hothouse flowers cannot operate responsibly in the current economic climate, and though insanely profitable, they teeter on collapse. The oil and banking industry teeters on collapse... I kid you not. I turned the radio off actually yelling at the host to show me the free market fairy or shut up.
A few hours later, I turned it on and learned that BREASTFEEDING was a liberal activity. Breastfeeding in public is a form of liberal assault on decency. Breastfeeding? Are you kidding me? The thing that practically every human on the planet is born to do? It turned the radio off yelling again: Are all babies born liberals? When do they turn into boob-fearing morons? TELL ME!
A little while ago, someone on Coast to Coast AM is on and two nincompoops are talking about how Mexico controls it's "border with the nations to its south" better than America controls its border with Mexico, not allowing anyone to cross. I've met Guatemalans who made the journey across Mexico as illegals. Had something changed? I googled six dozen stories about how Mexicans shoot Guatemalans in the right-wing media, without finding a single quote from a Guatemalan. When I googled Guatemalans crossing Mexico, I found out that 400,000 a year cross into Mexico and read the story of a man who crossed the border, paid his $10 bribe and road off to the North on his bicycle.
Finally, I turned it back on after writing the above to hear one of the aforementioned nincompoops saying racial profiling was a lie and smoke screen to distract us fro all the illegals.
I give up. The American right is doomed if it is feeding on this kind of nonsense, and I've got hypertension. I've got to throw that radio away.
The stupid is going to kill me.