Yesterday evening I watched Elizabeth Warren's address to the Netroots Nation Conference that was held last week. She made a compelling argument for a strong Consumer Protection Agency to oversee the world of finance with the intent of protecting the public. Her argument addressed the notion that people should understand what they are being presented when their financial future is on the line, that they - we - should be protected from deceitful practices and from documents so contorted, complicated, and convoluted as to be not only impossible to understand but as importantly impossible to compare to their competition. As I said, it was a compelling argument; I, and many others, think the nation will be well served if she is selected to head that budding Agency.
Actually I think its a shame other Federal Bureaus and Agencies don't have similar watchdog units. Imagine an FCC that required truth in broadcasting for instance.
Ms, Warren's speech to Netroots can be viewed at: Its well worth the ten or fifteen minutes it takes to watch - oh, and don't miss Rich Trumka, who speaks right after her, give his endorsement to her for the post.