Edited on Tue Aug-03-10 10:58 AM by LaPera
keep insisting these tax cuts for the rich produce? It's been 10 years since Bush gave these unfair tax cuts to the rich. Again, where's all the jobs?
Because it's all republican bullshit!
The only thing the rich do with their tax cuts is sit on the money - put it in off-shore accounts, invest in markets over seas, & buy bigger private jets, yachts & mansions somewhere around the world....They are NOT going to invest it in the U.S. they do not care about the U.S. workers.
Even though the rich and their corporations are doing extremely well and making huge profits now they out-sourced our jobs and forcing cheap over-worked labor while workers, small businesses and the middle class are badly hurting...
The selfish diabolical cold-hearted republicans, the rich and the corporations certainly don't want to invest and help the economy, because that just might help the Democrats out this election and the republicans & corporations want to win back a majority in Congress, their interest over the country's best interest - Shameless & sickening as it is...
Over 22 million jobs were produced by Clinton and then Bush gives huge tax cuts to the rich for the past ten years so where in the fuck are all these jobs in the last ten years that the lying republicans tax cuts for the rich insist produce?
All we got from republicans were huge deficits from these tax cuts for the richest 2% - the most extremely greedy who have not paid their fair share of taxes yet are still bitching because they want more, always more!
The rich use and take advantage of everything OUR taxes offer and pay for, from the military protecting their corporate interest to government subsidies for their corporations while producing little or no jobs just more deficit meant to destroy & gut ALL progressive social programs.