Seriously, they work for the opposite of everything they "support".
This is the Family Values party, who think that it's a mother's place to stay at home and raise kids while dad supports the family finacially. And yet, this same party is the one whose economic policies have made it virtually impossible for 2-parent households to get by without BOTH parents working.
They want to limit teen pregnancy, yet they only support abstinence-only programs, which are linked to INCREASES in teen pregnancies. And we won't even go into how that affects abortion rates...
Finally, they boast about wanting to "keep America strong" and "defend it from all threats", yet it's their idiotic belligerent and short-sighted foreign and economic policies that have made us more enemies than we would otherwise have.
Is there anything they can't ruin? And if they say they "love" something", should we not expect to see them attempt to soon destroy it?