...without illusions." -- John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy, during a televised debate with Richard Nixon.Anyone else remember idealism and reason? Count me a fellow who remembers when the nation had a can-do attitude and a visionary spirit.
Today I am not a Happy Warrior. Instead of tackling ways of fixing the environment or developing a new economy, I am led to believe we can't afford to do anything but cut back spending for the sake of the national debt. As one who believes war can't end soon enough must wait until peace breaks out on its own to end the fighting and killing and dying.
Crying "fiscal conservatism and patience" now is a load of baloney. Don't ask me to settle for fixing the previous misadministration's problems, as the current political debate frames things -- perpetual war for perpetual peace, no money for universal health insurance, underfunding public education, quasiregulating Wall Street, let alone an environmental policy run by BP.
It's like a deja vu all over again. President Clinton was forced to clean up the predations of George Herbert Walker Bush. And President Carter performed clean-up duty for Nixon. But never has the situation been so grim and the numbers looked so bad as the load of flaming merde left by George Walker Bush that is America today.
Certainly we need vision to find solutions to the enormous problems left by the BFEE. The thing is:
It shouldn't be our jobs to clean up Republican mistakes. What we should be doing is making the pukes pay for them. That means taxing those who've most benefitted from Reaganomics and all its children. Furthermore, cleaning up the mess includes prosecuting the warmongering bastards who lied America into two illegal, immoral and unnecessary wars.