Why is Grover Norquist given a voice at a Commission set up by a Democratic President?
Not that including these anti-tax, anti-government rightwingers does anything to prevent them from attacking this president as you can see in the beginning of this article.
ATR President Grover Norquist Testimony at Obama's Deficit CommissionBelow is a video of Americans For Tax Reform President Grover Norquist explaining the Obama Tax Hike Exemption Card. He explains that the purpose of ATR’s new clever Obama Tax Hike Exemption Card is to protect individuals making less than $250,000 from tax hikes. To quote Grover Norquist,
“This card a tangible reminder that Obama has deliberately broken his central campaign promise not to raise any form of taxes on Americans earning less than $250,000. The last President to break his tax pledge – Bush 41 – served only one term.”
The video embedded in the article shows Norquist testifying before the Commission. He attacks Federal Spending, NOT too little taxes, as the reason for the deficit.
President Obama was against the formation of Commissions as a candidate, so what changed his mind? This link traces the President's statements on Social Security from the time he was a candidate and how they evolved as he got closer to the WH. In this excerpt he dismisses the idea of commissions, but he presents the idea that Social Security 'needs stabilizing' which it does not, not for quite a while:
President Obama on Social SecurityOBAMA: We’re going to have to capture some revenue in order to stabilize the Social Security system. You can’t get something for nothing. And if we care about Social Security, which I do, and if we are firm in our commitment to make sure that it’s going to be there for the next generation, and not just for our generation, then we have an obligation to figure out how to stabilize the system. I think we should be honest in presenting our ideas in terms of how we’re going to do that and not just say that we’re going to form a commission and try to solve the problem some other way.
Source: 2008 Philadelphia primary debate, on eve of PA primary Apr 16, 2008Hillary Clinton disagreed with the President regarding the formation of Commissions. She responded to his above statement in the debate which can found at the link below:
Barack Obama on Social SecurityCLINTON: With all due respect, the last time we had a crisis in Social Security was 1983. President Reagan and Speaker Tip O’Neill came up with a commission. That was the best and smartest way, because you’ve got to get Republicans and Democrats together. That’s what I will do.
OBAMA: That commission raised the retirement age, and also raised the payroll tax. So Sen. Clinton can’t have it both ways.
It's pretty clear that he did not approve of commissions, at least at that time.
As you can see, he habitually ties the deficit problems to entitlement programs as he gets closer to the White House. Then last January, after declaring himself 'agnostic' on Social Security, reverses himself on the formation of Commissions to help solve problems.
I don't understand why, when the people elect Democrats because they don't like Republican ideas, a Democratic administration goes out of its way to include those ideas rejected by the American people.
In most polls an overwhelming majority of Americans across party lines want politicians to keep their hands off Social Security. Bush lost a lot of political capital when he tried to do it. So, why is this administration regurgitating all the old rightwing lies about Social Security, despite having available to them some of the best Economists in the business, like Paul Krugman and James Galbraith among many others.
I don't know about anyone else, but voting for Democrats as far as I am concerned, does not mean I want to hear from people like Alan Simpson, Pete Peterson, Lindsey Graham, Judd Gregg or Grover Norquist on the problems that their party created in the first place.
Didn't we kick them out because we already KNEW what their ideas were? Grover Norquist? Is there any reason why he was invited to testify at this Commission?
I can't think of one ....