Hi all, I've posted before but this time is something personal. My husband, an engineer in the petrochemical field, was layed off in November 2008. Since then he's sent out hundreds (thousands?) of resumes, only 2 of which resulted in an interview. Both said that he was "Overqualified" (translation, either you're too old or since you went to Harvard and Yale, you're too smart for us) and that he'd leave once the economy got better (yea, I'm still waiting). Funny, the friends in his industry who have jobs are working enough for 3 or 4 people AND they still have to take unpaid furloughs. Hubby's job is an 8 week contract (for which we are really grateful) at a good salary and close to home. Luckily I have had a great job for 23 years and I'm still needed and wanted. Hopefully it can extend into something longer with paid holidays (he's not getting paid for Labor Day -- insert snicker here).
We've looked into "retraining" -- but for WHAT?? My nephew just got his master's in Math with education minor and can't find a job, another friend applied for one of 4 waiter position -- him and 200 others like him. Legal work, accounting, even radiology is being shipped overseas. He's be happy to retrain, even if he is 60 and starting out -- but in what field?
Yes, at 60 he should be looking forward to retirement, but we can't afford it. We're supporting his mother at the dementia center (she's 92), my parents (mother 80 with schizophrenia, father 89 with prostate cancer), and because of 30k of our own medical bills annually (WITH EXCELLENT insurance coverage), it's not fun.
I know I'm singing to the choir here, but if you meet someone at a Burger King and you can -- buy them a coffee. That happened to my husband and he cried at the kindness of strangers.
Thanks so much for listening