Before my son left Monday evening to go spend time with his brother, grandma, etc, we had a nice long chat.
Some of the things he learned through training (and in general):
- Islam is not the enemy, and too many Americans are all gung-ho to condemn a whole people based on the actions of some
- Osama does not represent Islam - he would like to think he does, but he does not. And when he talks shit, it does not mean people who follow Islam agree with him
- When people in the ME invite you in for dinner, go, they are not the enemy - they are just as much hurt by this war as our troops are.
- We are not at war with the people there, nor are we at war with their faith
You can no more make the people of Iraq/Afghanistan live in a republic anymore than you could the people of the Old Testament They may well not
want to live like we do. You can try all you want to force others to live like you want them to - but you will lose. Time and again. You are not fighting an army - you are fighting an ideal. People have tried to kill off Jews, Christians, Islam, Democracy, Communism - but they all still exist. Because you cannot defeat and ideal with weapons.
We talked for hours about life, lifestyles, and what it all means.
To him - his mission is not to 'kill em all and let God sort them out' it is to help and do his duty, even when he does not fully agree with everything.
Is he worried? Yes. Is he concerned that someone coming up to him might have a bomb strapped to them? Yes. But he has worked hard, and the army has also worked hard, to get him to understand the situation as something more than one dimension.
He will go there, do the job he agreed to, miss his wife and kids and the rest of his family - and his main hope is that he is able to be a positive influence and a good ambassador for others here. He wants us out and gone, he wants people there to be able to live their lives like we do here - without interference from others. But he will follow his commanders and our commander in chief, even when he does not agree with him.
Some might say - he and others should dessert and stand up against this war - and maybe they would....when you stop paying your taxes to fund it an risk jail as well.
I made this for him and his kids (as well as for me and my kids and his half sisters). At one time he was just my little boy - and I had hopes and dreams for him. Going off to the ME to fight a war we are both against was not one of those dreams. But when he goes I know he does so with respect and an open mind. Gonna miss him, worry about him, and will think about his wife and their two (soon to be three) kids - and I will remember how hard it was to be away from my boys.
I wish sometimes we could be 'forever young' and enjoy those times again and again. We can't. And if we did, he would not have those precious little ones he has.