Imagine a lot of reporters running down the street after Sharron Angle yelling out questions as she was running away. Then she eludes them in an alley only to have even more reporters bearing down on her trying to get her to answer questions.
There would be a lot of cuts between long shots of the press chasing her and closeups showing the terror in Sharron's face. When she stops and thinks she's escaped, cut to a closeup of her face and replay the bizzare comments she's made during the campaign. (Closeup of Sharron whining: "The media is supposed to be nice to me!" or "I should be able to control the media").
The previous 'fleeing' scenes, each followed by brief moments when she thinks she is alone, could have different idiotic comments repeated over her terrorized face. Each of her stops could include another of her top blunders, like "The unemployed are spoiled".
Then after showing five different humiliating scenes of Sharron running away to dodge questions, cut to a final still picture of a closeup of her terror-filled face and superimpose a message on the screen over her picture stating: "Sharron, running for office doesn't mean you can run from the press". (Or something to that effect)
NOTE: This is just a first rough draft, but I think the ad would be extremely effective in discrediting her for running from the press and because of her extremist positions. Any other filmmakers want to help me with this project? All ideas and suggestions are welcome.