hid a fortune in private accounts in Liechtenstein.
Investigators have found shell companies in Liechtenstein which apparently belonged to the late right-wing populist politician Jörg Haider. The accounts reportedly have 5 million euros in them, a fraction of the 45 million they originally contained. There are suggestions the cash could have come from Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi.
After the Austrian right-wing populist politician Jörg Haider died in a car crash in 2008, members of his Alliance for Austria's Future (BZÖ) party tried to fashion a glowing legacy for him. But an ongoing investigation into murky financial dealings is casting Haider in an unfavorable light.
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Investigators are currently looking into where the money came from and whether other politicians had access to it, according to the report.
http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/0,1518,709737,00.htmlI realize that most DUers won't be able to read the information following the names, but here is a list of Haider's extreme right-wing friends.
http://derstandard.at/1277339540228/Joerg-Haider-Lexikon-Freunde-und-Bekannte-von-A-bis-ZI don't recognize these names, but suspect that a few of them may be appearing in future news stories of international interest. Something nefarious was going on here. Haider was sort of a free-market libertarian combined with traditional NAZI themes. I would not go so far as to say he was a NAZI, but he was very right-wing.
Note that Gaddafi's son is on the list and that he is one of apparently several "friends" believed possibly to be a source of at least some of the money in Haider's secret accounts. Of course, Haider may have simply taken public funds. Who knows? Maybe he was trying to do insider trading but not succeeding? Maybe he put a little cash in derivatives? It's not clear yet but the questions are so intriguing I suspect someone will investigate until they find a few answers.
My wild guess is that Haider was laundering money and being allowed to keep a portion of what he was left after the cash was all through the spin dry cycle.
Watch what happens in this story. The right-wing philosophy justifies a lot of immoral activity especially with regard to financial dealings. Haider's infamous end is a harbinger for how some of our extreme right-wing loudmouths will end. He died in a car accident -- probably caused by his own carelessness. But now, authorities are discovering who and what he really was. There is a moral to his story.