Edited on Wed Aug-04-10 10:15 AM by WingDinger
Now, the genius of the republican push for states rights becomes clear. Not only is it useful for their race to the bottom, but to shift all responsibilities to states, ensures that no deficit spending on needed social programs can occur. This is the same reason why we went off the gold standard. To maintain our agricultural vitality, in the face of natural disasters. So, now, as the usual capitalist culprit rears its head, we talk about not having a dime, to pay for the survival of families, affected by what republicans call a natural cycle. So, people, thru no fault of their own, must suffer deprivation, as the federal structure is hamstrung. The other part of the strategy is spending all the spare cash we have, to dissallow dems to address these things. And instead of saving for that ineviteable rainy day, any minute surplus, must be issued immediately, as a tax refund. The entire ball of wax is brilliant, and unamerican/inhumane.
If we could make clear the intentions of republicans, and lay bare their contempt for their fellow countrymen, they would never be elected again. Direct confrontation, and loud angry calling out might work, but liberals never raise their voices, or get angry. So says Gingrich and thugs. We buy it, and are blamed for the effects of the republican strictures. We have all the tools we need. God I hope someone wakes up. We are about to get snookered.