Another look at
Plaid Adder's brilliant 2007 screed on why the right can't get humor right:
...(A) "conservative answer to The Daily Show" not only does not, but cannot exist...I'd be willing to watch a "conservative" political show if it was funny enough. But funny is something that seems to pretty much elude the would-be practitioners of right-wing political satire. So why is it that so much right-wing political humor just plain doesn't work--even for its target audience?
Well, I have a few crackpot theories, but the one I think "The 1/2 Hour News Hour" most clearly demonstrates has to do with the basic conflict between comedy and authority...(D)isrespect for authority is the foundation of real comedy...Obviously, challenging authority is a problem for a show which is trying to be funny while defending the agenda and worldview of the regime currently in power. "The 1/2 Hour News Hour" exists only in order to help the authorities consolidate their power, and the target audience...(is) not going to want to see the show attack authority anyway...
Second, there is an unfortunate reliance on..."false wit."...(A)s defined by the old Spectator team, (it) is a category of wordplay based on arbitrary coincidence...Their basic problem with "false wit"...was that it didn't reveal anything important; it just used these meaningless correspondences to generate a brief flash of amusement. The Daily Show is not above using false wit; in fact, it is one of the show's major formal elements, as a graphic featuring some sort of snippy little pun usually appears behind Stewart after he's about 10 seconds into the spot...
"The 1/2 Hour News Hour" has taken "false wit" to a brand new place...Almost all the by drawing a connection between Obama and another well-known and (to FOX's audience) sinister figure who has little in common with Obama except for not being white. For instance, the punchline to the revelation that Obama has admitted to cocaine use in adolescence is an endorsement from Marion Barry--a corrupt African-American Democratic politician with widely publicized drug problems. The next gag is a reminder that Obama's middle name, "Hussein," is the same as the last name of the Middle Eastern dictator we just executed--which carries in it the embedded reminder that Obama's last name is only one letter away from the first name of the Saudi Arabian terrorist we still haven't tracked down. This leads into an ad for "BO Magazine" (again, the joke is based on the arbitrary coincidence between Barak Obama's intitials and the playground acronym for "body odor") which is a parody of Oprah's "O" magazine--Oprah being, of course, another African-American public figure wildly popular with white middle-class Americans. One of the fake articles that flashes during the voiceover is titled, "Obama or Tiger Woods--Which Is More Diverse?", another comparison based on the apparently endlessly amazing fact that, like Woods, Obama is African-American...
In telling her story from the vantage point of left-wing authority, Ingraham finds herself stumbling over the legitimacy of right-wing authority, forcing her to fall back on coincidental false wit--such as the babyback ribs reference. You go, Plaid!