As many of you read, I recently had a meltdown over my own personal healthcare situation. (
I've now had enough of my whining and meltdowns. I'm on a proactive (and obviously nonviolent) warpath now. I've had it with this healthcare bullshit. I've had it with a lot of BS, but this is my primary cause for the moment. I've had it with hearing & reading the self-congratulatory messages from the Obama administration and others who had a hand in forming the sell-out healthcare bill. So I intend to make my voice heard and I'd like, if you're willing to participate, to add your voices to be heard in Washington and my state (NC). I can't afford to send it to everyone in the legislature or I would.
I have called my representatives, the White House, written emails, etc until I'm crazy with indignation because I get nowhere. I hear nothing but, "sorry, there's nothing we can do" and "I'll pass your message along" (yeah, right) and I get back form emails that pertain not one iota to the emails I've written. And guess what -- they're self-congratulatory! Arrrrgggghhhhhh!
So I'd like to take a next step and write strongly worded letters (one basic letter with some adaptations for different recipients) providing feedback about the new "healthcare reform" (a misnomer if there ever was one) and what both my experience and that of others has been since this bill has passed (or leading up to its passage).
It's anecdotal and definitely is coming from a select population, but I'm trying to outreach elsewhere, with some success with uninsured high risk friends/acquaintances. And I truly think that personal experiences are often more powerful when it comes to Washington. We've all seen how good D.C. is at ignoring statistics and polls.
Since the passage of this "healthcare" bill or just prior to passage, has your health insurance company raised your premiums above and beyond what they have raised them in the past? Have you experienced the same kinds of shoddy health insurance practices as in the past (e.g., being denied coverage for illnesses, attempts to dump you, etc)? Have you had new experiences that you think pertain to the passage (or pending passage) of this legislation? Have you experienced what I did with the high risk pool -- have you attempted to sign up for it only to find the cost prohibitive? Have you had other experiences that pertain to this "healthcare reform?"
If you think you have a story to tell (positive or negative -- I want both) about how this legislation has affected you, I hope you'll contact me via PM or via comment here if you prefer and tell me your story to add to the package going to Washington. If you're willing to add your name to your story, fantastic. If not, maybe you'd be willing to add your initials. If not, they'll go under "anonymous." I'm willing to tell you my name and how to contact me via email (and possibly phone) if you'd like to share your story. Note that this goes for long-term posters or those I can verify are not trolls by their few postings. Not willing to give my info to trolls!
I want not only my letter voicing my experience & opinions, but also your stories to go to many of our legislators, our President & VP, and my representatives. I intend to select those who I think should receive them (and am open to suggestions), mainly the *good* ones as I think they'll listen more, including but not limited to (the good) Sanders, Feingold, Woolsey, Kucinich, Maloney, Grayson, etc and (some of the bad, like my rep Shuler), Lincoln, etc -- those who stood in the way of a public option & certainly wouldn't even entertain the idea of single payer. And most certainly a select number who've stood in the way of any healthcare changes at all. In the administration, Obama, Biden & Sebelius need to hear from us. And some who will listen in the media: Olbermann, Maddow, Krugman, Taibbi.... I'm also sending a package to my governor and a couple of others in her administration -- that package will include information from Vermont, which has covered most of its residents. Why the hell can't NC and other states do the same?
I will not only provide feedback but again touch on urging single payer and, if nothing else, Woolsey's public option. We desperately need cost containment and, barring single payer (which we're not likely to get at this point), a public option may provide a start at containing these usuorious insurance & pharmaceutical costs. I may, again, touch on the subject of drug importation.
I've never had the urge to start a journal but I will now. I'd like to record this for all interested DUers to read. Here I'll reproduce the stories under your usernames unless the authors have a different preference. And I won't include your story at all in the journal if that is your preference.
I need input, suggestions & stories. Hope many will join in this effort -- the more stories, the stronger it will be.