Choosing which Democrats to support with money and time, and which not to, will be an important decision for American liberals in the autumn (not for me, no elections here for another several years, but I know most of you are Americans...)
It seems to me that there are two factors: firstly, how good a senator/congressperson is, and secondly, how much do they need help. I'm sure most DUers would agree that there's more point in campaigning for someone like Alan Grayson than there is for the Flowerpot Nelsons.
But, also, there's much less point giving your time and money to someone like Charles Schumer (consistently 30 points up in the polls) or Blanche Lincoln (consistently 20 points down) than there is to more marginal seats - no seat is entirely certain to be won or lost, but statistically the closer it is the more good your work will do.
Has anyone compiled a scatter graph of liberalness vs safeness of seat for either the Senate or the Congress?