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Canadian "anglophone rights" group has flag rejected by city council

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alp227 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-04-10 07:46 PM
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Canadian "anglophone rights" group has flag rejected by city council
Saint John city council is the latest local government in New Brunswick to turn away the controversial Anglo Society.

Council received and filed the group's request to fly its flag for one day outside Saint John City Hall, but it did not discuss the request, and Mayor Ivan Court made it clear after the meeting that the flag was not welcome.

The anglophone rights group had hoped its flag would be flown on Sept. 18, the date in 1759 that the English defeated the French in battle on the Plains of Abraham and took Quebec.

The same request had originally been accepted by Bathurst, but the city council there reversed its decision after a flood of complaints.

Bilingualism the concern, mayor says

Court said the matter was discussed in a private session of council before the public meeting. Council members were concerned because New Brunswick is a bilingual province and the Anglo Society opposes bilingualism, he said.

Read more:

Ohh, ohh, those persecuted English speakers in Canada! The stupidity just never stops not even in a lily white nation like Canada! Similarly, racists in Texas and Arizona oppose bilingual public documents (like ballots) because "we speak English hurr, if you can't then go back to Mesicko."

This is the Anglo Society flag:

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DonCoquixote Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-04-10 07:53 PM
Response to Original message
1. Hey New Brunswick
Some of us who read History can remember when New Brunswick was part of "Acadie" aka "French Canada."
If it was not for your Quebecois, who have kept your Anglo-Saxon cultural instincts in check, you would just be another knock off of us Yanks. Granted, a certain preacher from Saskatchewan got you Health care and sealed the deal, but if it was not for the French that forced you to be bilingual and polite, your country would not be able to polish it's halo so much.
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applegrove Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-04-10 11:18 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. That is very true. We've always had to compromise with each other so end up with
a great mixed market economy and a cultural mosaic.
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shaayecanaan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-04-10 07:59 PM
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2. In all fairness...
I think that Francophonic nationalists in Canada are overwhelmingly more obstreperous and numerous than the Anglophonic variety. That may well reflect the fact that the status quo favours the Anglo rather than the French, but it is true nevertheless.
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