Wow, a talking head who 'gets' it. Good job, Ms. Hall!'s Tamron Hall: Sherrod episode is a "kick in the gut" for journalists
August 05, 2010 10:19 am ET by Oliver Willis
In an interview with Death & Taxes Magazine, MSNBC anchor Tamron Hall discusses the Andrew Breitbart-created Shirley Sherrod scandal:
Of course, neither side of the media divide gets it right 100% of the time, and Hall specifically cites the already infamous Shirley Sherrod case, in which conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart edited video to imply that Sherrod, an African-American former USDA official, had withheld aid from a white farmer.
Sherrod was asked to resign, and now plans to sue Breitbart. "{The media} should be ashamed of ourselves at what happened. Even though it was a certain blogger that started an irresponsible journey, we didn't stop it," Hall confesses. "But I think that's part of the learning curve, the 'teachable moment.' It was a real kick in the gut for credible journalists."
Of course, before the entire Sherrod episode, it was clear that Andrew Breitbart's work wasn't to be trusted. Whether it was attacking ACORN, smearing Kevin Jennings, or even Maoist Christmas tree ornaments, Breitbart's m.o. was clear before he targeted Sherrod. The media should never have carried his water. Hopefully they won't do so in the future, but it's not the best track record.