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Republican Attacks on 14th Amendment Exposes Insecurity About November

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SecularMotion Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-05-10 10:13 AM
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Republican Attacks on 14th Amendment Exposes Insecurity About November
by Randy Shaw‚ Aug. 05‚ 2010

I have a question for political junkies analyzing the November elections: if Republican enthusiasm is sky-high, and the right-wing is chomping at the bit to get to the polls, why do Party leaders feel the need to keep throwing out racial red meat to its base – including this week’s call to reconsider the 14th Amendment? Is it that the Republican base is a hungry beast that falls asleep if not continually fed? Or are rabid Republican Teabaggers too small in number, so the GOP feels it must escalate its racist appeals to attract enough votes from political independents to oust incumbent Democrats? Both may be true, but a racist strategy that brought Republicans success for decades is likely to backfire in 2010.
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Ozymanithrax Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-05-10 10:35 AM
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1. The first Tuesday in November is still a ways off...
They must keep their base agitated. They must keep them frightened. If the base calms down, some of them just won't go to the polls.

Ideally, there will be some kind of event, an October surprise, because a lot of the base will not keep angry and fearful for two months. They have the attention span of a poodle and lots of TV to watch.
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