"...Backers of the marriage ban said they were confident they would prevail in the end, and predicted that Walker's decision would energize people who believe marriage should be reserved for one man and one woman, just as the ban had mobilized gay rights proponents...
...Walker's decision comes amid other stabs at momentum. Last month, a federal judge in Massachusetts overturned part of the federal Defense of Marriage Act, ruling that it is unconstitutional to define marriage only as a union between a man and a woman...
...The issue is a tricky one for politicians, including President Obama, who has said he opposes same-sex marriage but also opposes Prop. 8. It could play a pivotal role in the November election, as candidates in the state's top races this year have widely different views.
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown praised Wednesday's invalidation of Prop. 8, saying Walker "came to the same conclusion I did when I declined to defend it (as state attorney general): Proposition 8 violates the equal-protection guarantee of the 14th Amendment of the United States."
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/08/05/MNQS1EOR3D.DTL&feed=rss.newsThe story quotes Brown as against Prop.8 and his refusal to back it, as well as Rethuglican pols like Ahnold, Whitman, and even Reefer Madness Dem, B. Boxer coming out against it. Only high profile pub candidate Carly Fiorina publically supported Prop. 8.
As for whom might be the first party in the race to appeal the ruling, the head of an Arizona group, "Douglas Napier, of the Alliance Defense Fund of Scottsdale, Ariz," is one of those that fired off his salvos in response: He called the ruling, which was the result of a nonjury trial in January, a legal "bump in the road."
"Those that want to uphold traditional family values are going to be outraged," said Napier, of the Alliance Defense Fund of Scottsdale, Ariz. "The whole nation is watching, and the whole nation should be quaking to think that a single judge sitting in California can reverse the will of 7 million voters..."
Votes for referenda have been notoriously suspect Mr. Napier, especially when outside money is allowed to flow in.
My response to him would be, well then, if your position has so much merit, why weren't there any credible experts to testify on its behalf in the evidence phase of this proceeding? If you take the trouble to read the decision, their side was ludicrous and behaved as if they had some official or moral mandate to discriminate.
Or, what gives any religious organization in a nation where there is allegedly separation of church and state, like the Mormon Church and the Catholic Church, the right to interfere in another state's, indeed in another citizen's right to decicions in their own personal life? Like one Prop. 8 opponent said, "Now do we get to scrutinize and challenge every hetero marriage?"
Hands off my Social Security!
Hands off Latin America!
Just my dos centavos