The dollarbots inside the education reform industry mainframe have been ominously humming since the NAACP, the Urban League, and seven other civil rights organizations came out swinging against the Gates-Broad-Walton racist blueprint that Arne Duncan is trying to pass off as the inheritor of the NCLB debacle. NCLB 2.0 is planned as a policy built on the conclusion that large swaths of the American population will be losers in the Race to the Top.
But the voices of privilege are not going to give up without a battle, apparently to be waged from the protection of the editorial pages of the Oligarchs' scream sheet, the Wall Street Journal, even if they have been outed by the civil rights community that they lamely purport to represent... The latest strategy by the Boys is an old one of divide and conquer, this time to put black parents on one side and the the NAACP with the teachers' unions on the other. With no evidence and no argument to debunk the wilting critique by civil rights groups of the Duncan Deform plan, all that is left is to use divisive propaganda. Enter stage right, Harvard dons Peterson and West, called down from their ivory tower to do what they do best: cook survey data and then serve up just the parts they want to feed...
Evidence that black parent love charter schools, and that the NAACP should, too? "Support for charters among African Americans rose to 49% in 2009, up from 42% in 2008."
...What Peterson and West leave out is the inherent mushisness of that African-American support (complete support only 14% in 2009 and 15% in 2008) and the uncertainty expressed by parents who neither support nor oppose (48% in 2009 and 42% in 2008). Just a couple of details that you will never find in editorials made possible by Rupert Murdoch. deform: built on a solid foundation of fraud & lies