http://blogs.suntimes.com/blago/2010/08/blagojevich_jurors_give_signs.htmlBlagojevich jurors give signs that they could go into next week
By Natasha Korecki
on August 5, 2010 11:43 AM Reporting with Sarah Ostman
It appears jurors in Rod Blagojevich's case still have much deliberating to do.
The panel asked to meet for just a half a day tomorrow -- until 12:30 p.m. -- before going home for the weekend, people with knowledge of the request said.
One all-about-business juror, who wore dress shirts and pants every day in court during the trial, was seen wearing khaki shorts today.
The entire panel was dressed fairly casually today, according to one observer.
That's, of course, reading the tea leaves and assuming that jurors who are ready to return a verdict in a high profile case will dress as they did during trial.
The Blagojevich panel has been a stealth group who has received assistance by security in covertly entering and leaving the Dirksen Federal Courthouse every day.
Sightings have been rare as U.S. District Judge James Zagel is not announcing when the six men and six women begin and end deliberations each day.
Zagel had previously ruled to keep the identities of the jurors secret until after a verdict is reached.
The panel began its seventh day of talks this morning.
They are considering evidence in 24 counts against the former governor and four counts against Robert Blagojevich.