When the oligarchs decided for Obama that the U. S. would be #1 in college graduates by 2020, they knew that such a goal would be as meaningless as the paper handed out by the Wall Street U's to the most exploited students whose K-12 non-preparation leaves them with no option for a college education except for a fraudulent one paid for by the taxpayer with Pell Grants.
But students and taxpayers just keep getting the business by big business as Arne does the rope-a-dope on cracking down in any significant way on these whale donors who can afford the big corporate donations. Why shouldn't they--they have an endless revenue stream from the federal treasury. From the NYTimes:
Undercover investigators posing as students interested in enrolling at 15 for-profit colleges found that recruiters at four of the colleges encouraged prospective students to lie on their financial aid applications — and all 15 misled potential students about their programs’ cost, quality and duration, or the average salary of graduates, according to a federal report.
The report and its accompanying video are to be released publicly Wednesday by the Government Accountability Office, the auditing arm of Congress, at an oversight hearing on for-profit colleges by the Senate Committee on Health, Education Labor and Pensions.