|MSNBC's Cenk Uygur Assails Hateful Conservatives Who Opposed Women and Blacks>You'll be entertained (and or outraged) by the latest "NewsBusters" attack on Cenk for arguing that|marriage equality is inevitable> because conservative ideas are always crushed in the end by progress (he pointed to civil and women's rights). In case you forgot, "NewsBusters" is a right wing Media Matters, minus the facts and logic. But to be fair you have to give them a little credit on this one. Normally they just post the content in a mocking tone without ever actually challenging it.
This time they attempt to challenge it, using the old right wing tactic of focusing on party affiliations outside of their historical context, (i.e. the ideological/name swap of the two parties over the last century+).
PS---Make sure you check out the comment section for even more fun! Here's a sample of the idiocy:
Liberals always revise history.
Wed, 08/04/2010 - 17:00 ET by c5then
They can't stand that they are usually on the losing side, so they revise it to try and make it seem like they weren't.
The very first Republican President fought a civil war, in part to end slavery. As pointed out above, a higher % of republicans voted for the Civil Rights act than democrats. And Ronald Reagan a republican President pushed to get MLK's birthday a national holiday.
Conservatives are all about individual rights and treating people as individuals. Liberals and progressives are all about group rights and treating people as a part of a particular group.
The case against gay marriage has nothing to do with the individuals and everything to do with trying to elevate a group above others. Marriage was recognized by the State (it's a religious institution) in order to help protect and further the family which is the core foundation of civilization. Allowing gay people to achieve the same privileges confers absolutely no benefit to the family and therefore little to no benefit to society as a whole. All it does is make it easier for gay people to inherit their partners wealth, pay less taxes (unless the marriage penalty is re-instated) and get covered on their partner's health insurance policy.
Gay marriage is all about special economic benefits for a group of people that make up anywhere from 1%- 5% of the population.