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Feds Can’t Find Oil But Satellite Photos Show BP Gulf Oil Spill Covering 12,000 Square Miles

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babsbunny Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-05-10 05:30 PM
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Feds Can’t Find Oil But Satellite Photos Show BP Gulf Oil Spill Covering 12,000 Square Miles

Posted by Alexander Higgins - July 31, 2010

The federal government and media is reporting that the BP gulf oil spill has disappeared but satellite photos show a slick covering over 12,000 square miles of the Gulf.

According to John Amos over at Sky Truth all of that oil that magically disappeared isn’t going away just yet.

Yesterday’s MODIS and RADARSAT images show something we didn’t expect: slicks and sheen spanning nearly 12,000 square miles. Based on other reports, and the recent trend on satellite images indicating steady dissipation of the surface oil slick, we are optimistically assuming that nearly all of this is very thin sheen.

Speculation: winds from Bonnie obliterated most of the thin sheen throughout the area; but since then, sheen has had time to “reassemble” into observable layers that noticeably affect the sunglint on MODIS images, and the backscatter on radar, but may not look like much to folks out in the Gulf on vessels or in low-flying aircraft. That’s our theory at this point. Chime in if you have other thoughts about what we’re seeing on these images:
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joeybee12 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-05-10 05:32 PM
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1. I expected the lies from Bush's epa...
...but i thought maybe science might return, as well as honesty.
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SammyWinstonJack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-05-10 05:34 PM
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2. rec.
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tabasco Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-05-10 05:36 PM
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3. Link to feds saying oil spill has disappeared?
Edited on Thu Aug-05-10 05:36 PM by tabasco
or Higgins is a liar and so are you.
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jpak Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-05-10 05:42 PM
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4. The federal study did not state that the oil "disappeared" - this is nonsense
The federal study accounted for most of the volume of the oil spilled - some evaporated from tthe surface, some dissolved in seawater, some was dispersed as micron-sized droplets, some was skimmed, some was burned, some was immobilized in beach sand and in marshes and some was recovered at the wellhead - a lot of it remains in the Gulf.

They did not claim it "disappeared".

some folks need to look at what this report actually stated

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appal_jack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-05-10 08:17 PM
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5. k&r n/t
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