at 6:40 PM ET, 08/ 5/2010
Some commenters scratched their heads after reading my last post, in which I implicitly criticized “U.N.-phobes.” What’s wrong, they wondered, with skepticism about the United Nations’ semi-corrupt bureaucracy and morally-suspect structure? The answer is: nothing, as long as such skepticism is healthy. In fact, I was writing about the other kind of U.N. skepticism. The unhealthy, knee-jerk, black-helicopters-on-the-horizon kind.
As if to illustrate my point, Colorado GOP gubernatorial hopeful Dan Maes just provided me with this real-life example of the sort of U.N. phobia that you’d want to preserve beneath a glass dome in your foyer, keeping it as a sort of grotesque curiosity that you could show off to guests at cocktail parties. Maes last week accused Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper of threatening Coloradans’ “personal freedoms” by encouraging bicycle use. The city, he rails, is part of a voluntary international organization that promotes things such as biking, “strategies,” he says, that are “dictated to us by this United Nations program.”