Depending on the ideological composition of the Supreme Court when the Court hears the appeal of the appeal of the recent
Perry v. Schwarzenegger case throwing out California Proposition 8, the ban on same-sex marriage, every state's similar bans will be invalidated. That will surely scare the hell out of conservatives once American gays and lesbians will begin marrying
en masse and insult their oh-so-good, moral, heterosexual marriages that God granted the conservatives.
In March 2010, conservative radio firebrand Rush Limbaugh
said that he'd relocate to Costa Rica should the US pass health care reform. Unfortunately, that dimbulb didn't realise that Costa Rica
had that leftist socialist tax-sucking universal healthcare that he despised!
This is a summary of something I wrote
in my blog responding to the Prop 8 case so that homophobic conservatives could make well-informed decisions where to move to avoid having gay neighbors.
According to Wikipedia's article "
LGBT rights by country or territory", there are many English-speaking places where homophobes may live if they do not appreciate the new-found freedoms that America grants to its LGBT population.
- For now,
US states that still deny gay couples any rights include: most of the Rocky Mountain states, that big ol' section from the Dakotas to Texas, every former Confederate state, and every Great Lakes state other than NY or WI.
- The majority of African nations explicitly make homosexuality a crime. Therefore, the anti-gay conservatives, if English is their first & only language, might fit in with the former British colonies Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, Uganda, or Zimbabwe. Uganda even wanted to send all its gays to death row! (But if you're a good ol' American who takes pride in English First, be prepared to encounter locals who can't speak a damn word of English, right?)
- If Africa is too rough, Bermuda is just 1000 miles away from the Southeast Coast of the US, and the Bermudian government has a policy similar to the states I mentioned earlier. There is a sizable white population in Bermuda too. Best of all, Bermuda has an
Official English policy, although Portuguese is spoken there too.
- The English Channel Islands, which are located off the northwestern coast of France, do not have legal recognition of same-sex relationships for now.
- The Carribean nations of Antigua & Barbada, Barbados, Dominica, Jamaica, and Trinidad & Tobago all make homosexuality a crime. Most of those nations even have Official English law too! For Jamaica it applies only to men. Maybe I should invoke the Beach Boys song "
Kokomo". I was about to say Haiti, but then I realized the earthquake and its native language being French Creole.
- ¿Se habla español? Try: Every country in Central America, everywhere in Mexico outside Coahuila (the state that borders Texas along el Rio Grande) or Mexico City, la Republica Dominicana, Puerto Rico, or these South American nations: Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, or that Hugo Chavez-led dictatorship Venezuela.
- Oh I forgot! At this time no Asian nation grants same-sex couples any union rights. Israel recognizes foreign same-sex unions though and allows "unregistered cohabitation". Hong Kong and India, formerly British colonies, retain English as a local language to this day.
You see, it takes a LOT of sacrificing of freedom and the greatness of America if you're a homophobic NIMBY ("not in my backyard") type! Would you ever help raise a fund to help homophobic Americans and their families move to anywhere in the world that doesn't allow legal same-sex unions? Jokingly to one of my conservative friends who complained about this news on Facebook, I said that I'd gladly buy him a one-way ticket. And do you notice a correlation between the right-wing wet dreams of Official English and denial of gay relationship rights? (See the Wikipedia
list of countries that have English as official language; you'll notice several of those countries either imprison gays or just deny them unions or both)