CNN prominently featured James Carville when he was criticizing the President's intial response to the gulf oil spill. It was consistent with the corporate media narrative that the President Obama, not BP, caused the oil disaster. Likewise, Republican efforts to promote offshore oil drilling (such as Bobby Jindal's sponsorship of the 2006 DOER Act) were never mentioned.
So, with James Carville now offering a postive assessment of President Obama's overall response to the oil spill, you would think that CNN would feature this commentary in prominent fashion? Well, try to find this opinion on CNN's website. The comment came out today, and already it is buried within CNN's website. Coincidence? Or, maybe the story simply does not fit the corporate media approved narrative: Blame the federal government and President Obama. Give Big Oil and Republicans a free pass.
So, let's review the bidding: First, the decision to keep the unflappable retired Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen in place as national incident commander, in spite of considerable opposition from some local politicians, has proven to be wise.
Second, when Attorney General Eric Holder announced a criminal investigation into the BP disaster, it was a demonstration that the Obama administration meant business in dealing with this catastrophe.
Third, the establishment of the $20 billion restitution fund administered by Ken Feinberg was the ultimate statement of the seriousness with which this situation was being addressed by the administration.
Fourth, people who have deep knowledge of the events in the Gulf give substantial credit to Energy Secretary Steven Chu and other experts from government labs who were brought in to assist with the successful capping of the well.